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Our  group has welcomed many of the former MEG members and we also  look forward to welcoming new members from all walks of life with an interest in any type of stitchery or a desire to learn all about what we do. Whatever your textile and stitch craft interests are, or levels of ability, the varied programme and opportunities offer something for everyone. Read more  some About Us here. Or Membership Registration here.

Next meeting will be held on-

Saturday 18th January 2025


Our next meeting will take place on Saturday 18th January 2025 at 10.30 am.My Practice“,  a Talk by internationally renowned textile artist and author Anne Kelly, will be held on Zoom from Anne Kelly’s studio in Kent, cost £5 for members and £10 for visitors. The Talk will be shown in All Hallows Centre, Greenhill Road, Liverpool L18 6JJ or you can obtain the Zoom code when you book, and watch it from home. Advanced booking is required by 12th January 2025.

Merseyside Expressive Stitchers’ Group have booked the internationally renowned textile-based mixed-media artist (and author of many books) Anne Kelly, as our speaker for the January meeting to be held on Saturday 18th January. She will be speaking to us about her work and practice from her studio in Kent. Anne’s work spans a wide range of techniques applied to a variety of different types of items. She mixes traditional and contempory stitches, methods, media and techniques to create unique pieces; she has exhibited and won prizes world-wide. Her website shows many examples of her excellent work; click on Anne Kelly here to see more.

 Our festive Winter Social for 2024 was held in November, comprising several different types of activities. The Sampson family Christmas craft stall was filled with items made by various members of the family and the MEsG sales table had lots of books and materials for making our own projects. The Raffle was huge with lots of donated prizes; it took ages to draw all the tickets; most people went away with at least one prize and some with two. The refreshment stall offered delicious items made by some of our members including cakes and other sweet and savoury items, as well as coffee and tea. On display was member’s work from workshops held during the past year. Additionally, a competition of pieces completed during this present year was held. Two mini-projects (folded-felt Christmas tree decorations and Dorset button gift tags) were available; they proved popular as a chance to make something and chat to both old friends and visitors. Towards the end of the event a quiz was held to test our knowledge of favourite board games, films, songs and Christmas traditions. At the end, all were wished a Happy Christmas. We look forward to seeing everyone at the January meeting. Michele   xxx

Photographs are available to view here.

Winter Social 2024

At our September meeting we saw the launch of our exciting new group project, which will be  to embroider a new altar frontal for the 150th Anniversary of All Hallows Church. The altar frontal has been designed by Gill Roberts and it is a depiction of the church and the surrounding area. The design consists of individual motifs to be embroidered by members and the appliquéd to the background, and there are enough motifs for each member to have one to work on. We cannot show a photograph of the design yet as it has yet to be unveiled to the parishioners of All Hallows Church, but it is stunning!

Update: a few pieces have already been completed by members for the All Hallows altar cloth. Come along to our next meeting and see them displayed!

The dates for 2025 meetings have been announced (click here to view)

Pauline Lythgoe has enjoyed creating Dorset buttons following Miranda Farby’s workshop in February.

Dorset buttons by Pauline Lythgoe

Dorset buttons by Pauline Lythgoe

Our April Workshop was led by the ever-popular tutor Gill Roberts. We began to create  “Wrapped and Stitched Trees” under her expert guidance and had a very enjoyable day. You can see some photos of the day here…

Gill Roberts is our tutor today for "Wrapped and Stitched Trees" Workshop, April 2024

Gill Roberts is our tutor today for “Wrapped and Stitched Trees” Workshop, April 2024

Here are the completed banners for Merseyside Expressive Stitchers’ group. Many thanks go to all members who embroidered the beautiful squares, and thanks to those members who spent hours assembling the banners and doing the final stitching towards completion. We are very happy with the final result.

Sunday 30th July 2023 was World Embroidery Day

Pauline and Michele, World Embroidery Day 2023

.Some of our committee are taking advantage of the sunshine with a coffee morning at Liverpool Cathedral. It was glorious!

Some of our committee having a social distanced gathering at the Cathedral, May 2021

There is a lovely write-up about NW Regional Day 2021 in the April edition of CONTACT. Read all about it here! https://www.megonline.co.uk/nw-regional-day-write-up/

North West Regional Day 2021 

Saturday 24th April 2021.

Our first ever Virtual North West Regional Day  was a triumph! We had 112 people registered and 103 attendees on the day, which was enjoyed by all. Our Speakers – Linda Miller, the acclaimed Machine Embroidery artist, and Michele Carragher, Principal Costume Embroiderer for Game of Thrones were magnificent. They both shared their work and were a great inspiration to us all. The Rose Bowl and Aurifil competition entries were up to the usual high standard and the winners were announced at the close of the day. The Rose Bowl was won by Sandra Kendal from North Lonsdale branch with PSYCHEDELIC LOVE and the Aurifil Award for Excellence was won by Diane Moore from Merseyside branch with A GLIMPSE OF VENICE. Congratulations to all the winners! Have a look at all the comments and reactions, also the Raffle Prize winners here https://www.megonline.co.uk/nw-regional-day-2021/

1st Prize Winner, PSYCHEDELIC LOVE by Sandra Kendal, North Lonsdale branch, computer printed photos with machine stitch and appliqué, Rose Bowl competition 2021

1st Prize Winner, A GLIMPSE OF VENICE by Diane Moore, Merseyside branch, painted pieced surface, worked by machine and some hand stitching, Aurifil Competition 2021