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Our  group has welcomed many of the former MEG members and we also  look forward to welcoming new members from all walks of life with an interest in any type of stitchery or a desire to learn all about what we do. Whatever your textile and stitch craft interests are, or levels of ability, the varied programme and opportunities offer something for everyone. Read more  some About Us here. Or Membership Registration here.

Next meeting will be held on-

Saturday 20th July 2024

Saturday 20th July 2024

WORKSHOP with Kim Parkman “Scraps with Meaning”

10 am-1 pm in All Hallows Centre, Greenhill Road, Liverpool L18 6JJ. Cost: Free to members, £5 for visitors including materials.

Do you have scraps of material that hold a meaning for you? A favourite piece from a dress or a

Log Cabin needlecase

Log Cabin needlecase

sewing project; household linen that has seen better days, or a load of tiny scraps rattling around in your stash collection? Bring them along and create a new work, using a variation of the quilters’ log cabin method. If your pieces are too precious to cut up, bring them and tell us the story behind them, and why they mean so much to you. Then help yourself from a selection of fabric bits and make something new. Embroidery threads and materials will be supplied. Just bring your basic sewing kit, scissors, a reel of tacking thread and any embellishments that you would like to add. If members have a Slow Stitch folder, this would be useful for the measuring square and to show new members your previous work. This will not be a traditional quilting workshop, so come and experiment and leave your rulers and machines behind.

Please book with Miranda Farby coursebooking@megonline.co.uk by 17th July, so that enough materials and refreshments can be prepared.

  • Please pay by BACS.
  • ACC.NO. 01742051 
  • SORT CODE. 40-29-03 
  • ACC.NAME. Merseyside Expressive Stitchers’ Group

Saturday 17th August 2024

“Quaker Stitch” WORKSHOP with Kim Parkman

10 am-1 pm in All Hallows Centre, Greenhill Road, Liverpool L18 6JJ. Cost: Free to members, £5 for visitors including materials.

Come and add another stitch to your repertoire, or a new page to your stitch book. Quaker stitch was designed by Ann Wynn-Wilson, the designer and instigator of the Quaker Tapestry, specifically for the lettering that was used to explain the panels. The Royal School of Needlework named it ‘Quaker Stitch’ because of its links to this special piece of work, which can still be seen in Kendal at the Quaker Tapestry Museum today. The flexibility of the stitch lends itself to so much more than lettering. Come and experiment and see where it could be used in your own work to add texture and depth. We will be working with crewel embroidery wool and embroidery silks on small pieces that can form part of your stitch book or be used as part of a larger work. Just bring along your basic sewing kit, including small scissors, a small hoop or frame if you prefer to use one (it might help to keep the stitch taut) and a pencil or marking pen. We will provide materials and threads, and will have spare equipment, if required. If you need glasses to help you see detail, don’t forget them!

Please book with Miranda Farby coursebooking@megonline.co.uk by 14th August, so that enough materials and refreshments can be prepared.

  • Please pay by BACS.
  • ACC.NO. 01742051 
  • SORT CODE. 40-29-03 
  • ACC.NAME. Merseyside Expressive Stitchers’ Group

We welcomed Emma Summerscales to our meeting in June. She is a local textile artist who is interested in sustainability . She believes that we should take care of our world’s resources and reuse and recycle as much as possible. During the afternoon workshop we used techniques of sashiko and boro to decoratively mend clothes to give them a new lease of life.

student's work at Sustainability workshop with Emma Summerscales, June 2024

student’s work at Sustainability workshop with Emma Summerscales, June 2024

The May 2024 Workshop saw the return of Tina Saunders with “Hardanger 2”, a follow on from the work we did with her in March. Tina is an excellent, patient tutor who guided us through the mysteries of this technique. Some photos available here …

sample of Hardanger by Tina Saunders at "Hardanger 2" workshop, May 2024

sample of Hardanger by Tina Saunders at “Hardanger 2” workshop, May 2024

Needed:- Groups or individuals to sew bees of all shapes, varieties and characters on to 10cm x10cm hessian patches for Peter Carney’s LET IT BEE banner, and in line with the World Museum’s latest exhibition on bees. Banner needs to be completed by July, and hessian patches are available by contacting bloom@scouseflowerhouse.com or phone 07990518107. Please drop completed patches off at Walton Hall Park Community Garden (postbox on the gate), Everton Community Garden ( Tues 10am-1pm or Fri 1pm -4pm), World Museum (Tues – Fri) or Old Police Station, 80 Lark Lane (open Mon-Fri 10am-4pm).

You can join Scouse Flowerhouse from their website at scouseflowerhouse.com.

Our April Workshop was led by the ever-popular tutor Gill Roberts. We began to create  “Wrapped and Stitched Trees” under her expert guidance and had a very enjoyable day. You can see some photos of the day here…

Gill Roberts is our tutor today for "Wrapped and Stitched Trees" Workshop, April 2024

Gill Roberts is our tutor today for “Wrapped and Stitched Trees” Workshop, April 2024

 Tina Saunders came in March to introduce us to the technique of Hardanger. We spent a very enjoyable morning sewing, cutting threads and creating a heart in Hardanger. Tina is a very patient tutor who enabled us all to succeed. For more photographs of the day please click here…

Tina Saunders demonstration at Hardanger workshop, March 2024


MEsG Christmas Party 2023

Early in December we held our Winter Party in All Hallows Centre. Just click here to see more photographs of the day.

It was good to see that so many members braved the weather to attend our Winter Social on Saturday. Although a shorter time than we usually have, it was enough to get together for a good chat, some Christmas food and a browse of the stalls and competitions. Our stitch competition produced a good number of pieces of work, all of them of such a high standard that voting was difficult. Congratulations to Eileen Sampson for her excellent example of blackwork, on winning the competition. We would like to thank not only our attendees but those who did so much behind the scenes to make it a success. Thank you to all of you for helping to make the jolly atmosphere on a wild and windy day. Please do keep an eye on our website for updates on the programme for next year. We look forward to meeting up in January and would like to wish you all a good Christmas break and best wishes for 2024.   Kim and Michele.

At last we can see the completed banners for Merseyside Expressive Stitchers’ group. Many thanks go to all members who embroidered the beautiful squares, and thanks to those members who spent hours assembling the banners and doing the final stitching towards completion. We are very happy with the final result.

Sunday 30th July 2023 was World Embroidery Day

Pauline and Michele, World Embroidery Day 2023

.Some of our committee are taking advantage of the sunshine with a coffee morning at Liverpool Cathedral. It was glorious!

Some of our committee having a social distanced gathering at the Cathedral, May 2021

There is a lovely write-up about NW Regional Day 2021 in the April edition of CONTACT. Read all about it here! https://www.megonline.co.uk/nw-regional-day-write-up/

North West Regional Day 2021 

Saturday 24th April 2021.

Our first ever Virtual North West Regional Day  was a triumph! We had 112 people registered and 103 attendees on the day, which was enjoyed by all. Our Speakers – Linda Miller, the acclaimed Machine Embroidery artist, and Michele Carragher, Principal Costume Embroiderer for Game of Thrones were magnificent. They both shared their work and were a great inspiration to us all. The Rose Bowl and Aurifil competition entries were up to the usual high standard and the winners were announced at the close of the day. The Rose Bowl was won by Sandra Kendal from North Lonsdale branch with PSYCHEDELIC LOVE and the Aurifil Award for Excellence was won by Diane Moore from Merseyside branch with A GLIMPSE OF VENICE. Congratulations to all the winners! Have a look at all the comments and reactions, also the Raffle Prize winners here https://www.megonline.co.uk/nw-regional-day-2021/

1st Prize Winner, PSYCHEDELIC LOVE by Sandra Kendal, North Lonsdale branch, computer printed photos with machine stitch and appliqué, Rose Bowl competition 2021

1st Prize Winner, A GLIMPSE OF VENICE by Diane Moore, Merseyside branch, painted pieced surface, worked by machine and some hand stitching, Aurifil Competition 2021