Project Linus

Project Linus

July 2017    

Hello Everyone,

I have a message from Caroline Fogell re. Project Linus knitted donations.

Caroline is very grateful for the continued support of our members to Project Linus, but would like to say that, until further notice please do not knit any more hats for premature babies.

All the local hospitals have enough of these for the time being, the problem being storage, which is always difficult.

Little knitted baby blankets are always needed and Project Linus can always find a home for these.


Project Linus came to the UK in March 2000, and it continues to grow. Project Linus UK provides home-made security blankets to paediatric cancer patients, and to other seriously ill, abused or traumatised children – children in need of a big hug. Once Project Linus receives your blanket or quilt, it is checked and then prepared for delivery. A Project Linus label is sewn onto every quilt and blanket before it is given to a child, and it’s theirs to keep.

knitted blankets and hats for premature babies

knitted blankets and hats for premature babies


Project Linus welcomes all handmade blankets and quilts. Whether you knit, quilt, handsew or machine sew – we welcome your donation. Up to March 2013, 289,112blankets and quilts have been delivered countrywide, approximately 350 in Lancashire alone this year.


  • Premature baby blankets 50cm x 50cm (20ins X 20ins)
  • Child size blankets 100cm x 150cm (40ins x 60ins)
  • The most popular size is 1 metre x 1 metre (40ins x 40 ins)

The size is not crucial as they go to children of all ages. Project Linus asks that knitted blankets are of a light pattern rather than lacy, as small fingers or medical equipment can get caught in the holes, also do not add any embellishments such as bows and buttons, which can come off an be swallowed.

Below you will find a few simple knitted baby blankets patterns, and a premature baby knitted hat pattern to start you off. Completed items may be brought to meetings of Merseyside Expressive Stitchers’ Group and given to Kim who will pass them on, or posted to the Contact Address on the leaflet further down this page.

Caroline Fogell is the Liverpool contact for Project Linus. She can be contacted on Tel. 0151 724 4724  or email

Warrington contacts for Project Linus are – Helen on Tel.01925 816677 or email Sylvia at


Premature baby knitted blanket pattern20032014_0000

Premature baby knitted hat pattern20032014_0000
Project Linus Information

4 Responses to Project Linus

  1. carol gilbert says:

    Is there a contact in Southport for baby blankets

  2. Jill Daniels says:

    Please give me an address to which I can post knitted baby blankets which my friend and I have. I am in despair today at finding a contact. Our local charity shop refused to take them as they don’t have a washing label on them (what ?!!) I’ve had no reply to a letter I sent to Caroline Fogel so not sure if she is involved any more. Tried bliss who asked me so many questions to confirm that I’m not a robot that I gave up. Thank you in advance. Jill Daniels

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