Ken and I returned from an excellent visit to Sreepur for the 25 Anniversary of Sreepur Village which was on 9th February 2014. Because of the political unrest over the last year it was difficult to ask UK sponsors to come to Bangladesh so, as Trustees, it was decided we would we attend the celebrations. The week before was busy with all the preparations. A stage was set up on the sports field for entertainment and our girls sang and danced beautifully for over 1000 local villagers and guests from Dhaka. Pat Kerr thanked them all and Trisha Sylvester, Chair of the Trustees, cut the ribbon at the gate to a loud cheer. Pat and Trisha launched our new logo. Stalls were set up selling food – the smell of the curry made us feel hungry. we sold small items made by the mother and our embroidery was on display.
I did spend my days with the mothers and girls doing our embroidery, weaving, and talking about new designs.
Paural had made all the summer hats, which was an order from the UK. Paural is one of our abandoned children. She is disabled and has been with us from a baby. She does the most beautiful embroidery – I bought an industrial sewing machine to use with your hands and she now sews the cotton bags, and any machine sewing we need. A few years ago she married one the guards they have a son. They all live in staff quarters at Sreepur. The Rochdale E.G. Branch cotton bags were all finished. All done with all the excitement of the events ahead.
Before we left Dhaka Ken and I, with the Trustees, went to a Celebration Dinner at the Regency Hotel in Dhaka – the end of a wonderful two weeks. Hope you like the photos,
Rubina M. Porter