November 2020- Divali in Sreepur
Ruby recently watched an amazing project from Sreepur on Zoom. It was sponsored by the British Council for Divali Festival of Light. and was an exhibition of art and embroidery by the mothers of Sreepur. It was a wonderful experience for them all. The work was excellent and the dancing very moving and beautiful. Ruby says “Wish I could have been there”

Divali Festival of Light in Sreepur 2020

Divali Festival of Light in Sreepur 2020
November 2020- some interesting info
It was Trustee’s Week recently and Pat Kerr wrote on Sreepur’s Facebook and Twitter the following-
Ruby has been an inspiration to us all and has utilised her considerable skills in textile design and development to the textile traditions in Bangladesh with great success- beautiful new products have arisen from this input. She has visited frequently and the textile section keeps a photograph of her on the wall so that they feel in touch. She has also raised a raised a phenomenal amount of money over the years.’
We at MEG say “Well done Ruby- you are an inspiration to us all!”
November 2020- good news
This is a photograph of Ruby’s granddaughter Cedar helping at the Sreepur “Threading Dreams” exhibition in Liverpool Town Hall (before COVID). Ruby is proud to say that Cedar is now at Liverpool University studying Classical studies. Cedar would like to thank our MEG Chair Vicky Williams for all the help she gave in the Victoria Gallery and Museum during her work experience. Ruby says-
My Mother and Father Owen Doyle J.P. and his wife Kitty, former Lord and Lady Mayoress of Liverpool would have been so proud.

Ruby’s granddaughter Cedar
November 2020- a good use of straw threads
Look what this customer achieved with Sreepur wheat straw threads! Rubina Porter MBE reports-
A lovely lady Melanie who now lives in Southern Ireland had been buying our Sreepur wheat straw threads and has sent these lovely photographs of how she used our threads for her daughter-in-law’s wedding.
Lovely to see her work.
World Poverty Day 17th October 2020
This is World Poverty Day and we remember the enormous work that goes on in Sreepur Village with your fund raising help.
August 2020- anniversary
Thirty years ago, on 23rd August 1990 Rubina Porter MBE paid her first visit to Sreepur in Bangladesh. She describes it as an amazing experience. She has been visiting regularly ever since and has fund raised tirelessly to help the community. Three years later in 1993 Ruby’s husband Ken paid his first visit to Sreepur, the first of 40 visits.

Ruby’s first visit to Sreepur Aug 1990

Ruby and Ken in Sreepur
August 2020- preparing for Christmas
Some of the people in Sreepur are making beautiful Christmas decorations from bamboo. The bamboo is cut down and split into fine lengths, and then women weave the slivers of bamboo into 3D shapes and stars to hang for Christmas. They would look wonderful on the Christmas tree!

Bamboo Christmas decorations made in Sreepur, Aug 2020
August 2020- making masks in Sreepur
We are making masks in Sreepur. Parul is busy on her sewing machine and Maya is the model. We are selling them locally and hope to have some available to buy in the UK soon.

Parul is sewing masks in Sreepur, August 2020

Maya is modelling masks that Parul has made, Sreepur 2020
June 2020- some happy news
Exam results are out today! Below is a photo of Ruby’s granddaughter Finni, who was helping out at a Threading Dreams exhibition in Liverpool Cathedral. She has just heard today that she gained a First Class Honours degree at Glasgow School of Art. She also gained top marks for the year in Interior Design. Congratulations Finni! Her family are very proud of her!

Ruby’s granddaughter Finni at Threading Dreams exhibition in Liverpool Cathedral
June 2020- new arrival at Sreepur
Ruby has sent us a photograph of a new mother with a young family arriving at the gates of Sreepur to look for a safe environment in which to stay. It is so sad.

new mother arriving at the gates of Sreepur for safe refuge, June 2020
June 2020- sad bereavement
Prayers are being said at Sreepur for Ruby and Ken’s beautiful daughter who sadly passed away on 6th May 2020. Thanks to all members who have offered support during the last two years of Sue’s illness.
prayers are being said in Sreepur for Ruby’s daughter Sue
June 2020- fundraising update
Rubina Porter MBE would like to thank the members of Wimslow churches for another donation of £250.00. Your generosity is much appreciated.
June 2020- Sreepur hit by cyclone
A recent cyclone hit Sreepur causing major damage and injuries. One mother was sent to hospital with a broken arm, but is now back safely recovering at Sreepur, which is still in lockdown.

cyclone hits Sreepur causing damage, June 2020

cyclone hits Sreepur causing damage, June 2020

cyclone hits Sreepur causing damage, June 2020
April 2020- more news from Sreepur
Sreepur Refuge continues to be in lockdown due to the corona virus pandemic, along with the rest of the world. There are guards at the gate wearing protective clothing, but the Sreepur family are safe and well inside along with Pat Kerr. The drivers go out to buy provisions wearing protective clothing.

the Sreepur family are safe and well along with Pat Kerr during the corona virus lockdown, April 2020

guard at the gate of Sreepur Refuge during corona virus lockdown, April 2020

drivers wearing protective clothing ready to go out to buy provisions for Sreepur Refuge during lockdown, April 2020
April 2020- Lockdown in Sreepur
Bangladesh is also on lockdown, as is Sreepur. Pat Kerr is at the project, she is an amazing person. Many staff have gone back to their villages. The Dhaka office is closed and there is no embroidery class so Pat has arranged for the embroidery to carry on in another part of the project to keep everyone busy. The new cushion covers are lovely.

new cushion covers made in Sreepur, Bangladesh 2020
Here are some photographs from Sreepur during the current lockdown situation due to coronavirus. Life must go on ……..
February 2020 – update on the quilters of Bath
Fifteen years ago Rubina Porter MBE gave a talk about Sreepur to a group of quilters in Bath. This week she received yet another cheque for £365 from Ena and her four friends. Each year they raise money for Sreepur amounting to many thousands of pounds. Their dedication and generosity is very much appreciated.
January 2020 – update on Dyffryn Clwyd Quilters
Rubina Porter MBE would like to thank Pippa and members and friends from Dyffryn Clwyd Quilters who have raised the magnificent sum of £750 for the Sreepur Village. Ruby gave a talk to this group some time ago, and they are all so kind

quilt raffled by Pippa and friends to aid Sreepur charity
January 2020 – Sreepur Orphanage celebrates 30 years
There was a wonderful double page article in the Daily Express on Saturday 4th January 2020 about ex-stewardess Patricia Kerr setting up Sreepur Orphanage 30 years ago.
How it all started 30 years ago
Here are some photographs from the early days of Sreepur Orphanage
Thank you to all our members and friends for all the support they have given to me over the last 30 years. Rubina Porter M.B.E.

Thank you from all at Sreepur Orphanage

Happy 30th Birthday Sreepur
January 2020 – news and updates
Happy New Year to you all.
This is a photograph of a Sreepur quilt on display in St. Theresa’s Church, Birkdale which was taken in the summer,

Sreepur quilt in St Theresa’s Church, Birkdale
Ruby would like to thank Isabel for all her hard work raising over £6000 for Sreepur. The money was raised by the Cheshire Churches Harvest Festival Campaign 2019. A very big thank you to all concerned.