Workshops and Talks

Workshops and Talks

Please see our Programme of Workshops and Talks for up to date information.

All Workshops and Talks are held in All Hallows Church Hall, Greenhill Road, Liverpool L17 2AA, unless otherwise stated on the programme.

Talks are held from 2pm – 4pm as advertised on the programme and visitors are welcome. Cost £5 members and £8 visitors. Friends and visitors are always welcome.

Workshops are held from 10am – 4pm as advertised and visitors are welcome to book a place. Cost £20 members & £25 visitors.

Please email Miranda – with any enquiries or to book a workshop place.


Workshops & Talks- lots of activity as the dyeing session gets underway

lots of activity as the dyeing session gets underway


Workshops and Talks- Sue Boardman and her cap inspired by Birkenhead Park

Sue Boardman and her cap inspired by Birkenhead Park

Workshops & Talks- Elsie is showing Sarah how to print her fabric

Elsie is showing Sarah how to print her fabric

2 Responses to Workshops and Talks

  1. Lynn young says:

    Hi is this group still going the programme on here is from 2017.

    • Hilary says:

      Hello Lynn,
      Perhaps you have the wrong link for our website. I can assure you that the up to date programme is available. This is the link to Merseyside Expressive Stitchers’ Group where you will find all the information you need,
      Best wishes,

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